
Learn more about the community

Mission Statement

Making disciples of Jesus Christ; Growing in faith; Serving the world in His name.

What We Believe

The United Methodist Church is a global denomination that opens hearts, opens minds and opens doors through active engagement with our world. The mission of The United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

John Wesley and the early Methodists placed primary emphasis on Christian living, on putting faith and love into action. This emphasis on what Wesley referred to as "practical divinity" has continued to be a hallmark of United Methodism today. 

We invite you to learn more about our rich theological heritage in the pages below.



"I thank God for His Salvation and for being one of the flock of the late Rev. Cecil Axworthy, pastor of First Baptist Church in Vallejo. He was the one who inspired me to start a Sunday School for Filipino children and any other racial group. That was about September 1939. 

We had ten children to start with. The next Sunday the attendance doubled. So Rev. Axworthy and I asked the services of two devoted ladies to assist me: Mrs. Licklider who was gifted in music and singing and Mrs. Thurburn who was an excellent teacher. Mrs. Viola Balbin came to help once in a while. During the 1940 Christmas program there were 45 Sunday School members strong. I liken it to the parable of the sower — the little group was growing and showing its light on top of the hill. 

In January 1941, the late Dr. Ernest Lyons, Superintendent of The California Oriental Mission Conference and Rev. Pio Baba came to Vallejo and asked us if we wanted to join their Mission. After conferring with Rev. Axworthy, we decided to join the Methodist Church as the Northern Baptist Convention did not have any mission point in our area nor funds to support it. Somehow, the purpose of God through the Gospel was being made known to us through the Methodist Church. 

Now, 45 years later, we are grateful to God for He has seen fit to nurture the seeds that were planted in the early days so that His Kingdom may be felt in this community through Fellowship United Methodist Church. Congratulations to all the members and to Rev. Taylor who is doing wonderful work for the Lord."

Eugene Marquez 


Juan Barte
